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How Do I Enable My Favorites (Bookmarks) Bar?

If you have certain bookmarks you use frequently, such as our Slam-It Widget, you can drag (save) our Slam-It widget to your Favorites bar for quick access.

Here are instructions for all popular browsers:

After you have enabled the Favorites/Bookmarks bar, you should now be able to drag Slam-It to it:


Chrome on PC

Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar

Chrome on MacOS

Slam-It Toolbar


Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar


Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar

Safari on MacOS

Slam-It Toolbar

Safari on iOS

Slam-It Toolbar


Slam-It Toolbar

Slam-It Toolbar

See Also

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