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Frequently Asked Questions

New Users

  • Is this really free?

    Yes. The free plan lets you queue one snipe at a time. So, if you schedule 3 snipes per week, that is over 12 per month. The free plan is limited to 10-second lead times and a maximum bid of $1,000 in your local currency.

    The free plan also includes unlimited use of the Bidding Manager, and the ability to import your Watch List and Bid List. See our comparison table for more information.

  • What is sniping?

    Bid sniping means to place bids in the closing seconds of an auction. The best way to win an item is to be right there at the last second. We do that for you. You can even turn off your computer.

  • Is BidSlammer secure?

    Yes. We're as secure as secure can get. No eBay password is required. No other sniping service uses a single sign-on method to create accounts. We use 64-bit encrypted security tokens to bid.

    Some of the things we do to ensure your security:

    • All web pages are loaded via HTTPS protocol. You should be see our security lock in your browser bar.
    • All transactions to and from eBay are done under a Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
    • Our systems are kept up to date with all latest security updates.
    • We do not store passwords of any kind. We use a method called password hashing. When you log in to our site, we scramble what you enter, and then see if the scamble compares to what you entered when you set the password.

  • Do you bid the minimum amount possible?

    Yes. We place your bid the same as if you entered it yourself at the auction site. eBay's proxy-bidding system handles the math.

    Snipe bids are the same as proxy bids. That is, they work exactly as if you were submitting the bid yourself "live" on eBay.

    As an example, let's say someone already bid $100. The price shows as $100. If you snipe $200, you will pay $100 plus the minimum increment (in this case, $1.50). Therefore you pay $101.50 although you sniped $200.

    For more information, read this answer.

  • Why snipe when I can use eBay's proxy auto-bidding system?

    Sniping and proxy bidding are different. All snipes are proxy bids, but not all proxy bids are snipes.

    To understand the difference, first consider what **proxy bidding** is. This is how eBay calculates the current or final price of any auction. At the time any bid is placed, they add one "minimum bid increment." The resulting number is the current price. When you place a bid, you enter the maximum amount you're willing to pay for the item.

    BidSlammer just places the bid at the last second, exactly as you would if you placed the bid yourself. eBay's proxy bidding system kicks in to handle the rest--- that is, eBay will make sure you only pay the minimum amount necessary.

    So, for bids and snipes alike, eBay will add one bid increment to the price that is showing at the time of the bid. eBay will bid only as much as necessary to make sure that you remain the high bidder, or to meet the reserve price, up to your maximum amount.

  • What happens if someone else snipes the same item?

    The highest bid always wins, as long as it is one bid increment higher than the next-highest bid. This rule supercedes all others. Read more about choosing sniping lead times and the Minimum Bid Increment.

  • If I have the highest bid/snipe, am I guaranteed a win?

    Yes, unless you didn't meet the "minimum bid increment" that eBay adds to the bid that came before yours. For example, if you bid $1020 USD on a $1000 auction, you will not win because the bid had to be $1000 + MBI = $1000 + $25 = $1025. In fact, in this case, your bid will not even show up in the bidding history.

    Also, sellers can block you for various reasons, including limiting you to one (1) item or refusing bids due to too many Unpaid Item Strikes. Also, they may not ship to your country. See our bulletproofing guidelines to identify preventable issues.

  • If I already have a bid on an auction, will you still bid for me?


    Important: If you were already the high bidder, there is no extra cost, that is, eBay's proxy bidding system does not raise the price. However, if a bidder comes in between, the price will increase to the competitor's bid plus one minimum bid increment.

  • Does BidSlammer require software downloads or upgrades?


  • Do you support eBay UK and all other eBay sites?


  • When you buy on eBay, what sniping service do you guys use?

    We use BidSlammer, of course!  


  • What happens if/when I change my eBay UserID?

    Our system detects the change. After you change your eBay UserID, just Log in with eBay. Our software will detect the change and update your account accordingly. All of your snipes will be intact. It does not create another account. From then on, login to our site using the new UserID.

  • Can I combine multiple accounts under one subscription?

    Yes. Send us a support ticket and we'll combine them. However, each eBay account has a separate login, so you will still need to log in separately.

  • How do I change my subscription without canceling it?

    Simply cancel your subscription at PayPal. Don't worry! Since you have already paid, you may continue to use your account as you would normally. Nothing changes and no snipes are canceled or deleted.

    On the last day of your subscription, PayPal sends us an "end of transaction" notice. At that point, your account reverts to the free plan, we turn off the subscription, at which point you can sign up again.

    Note: While your subscription is active, we hide the contents on the "Upgrade Service" page in order to avoid duplicate subscriptions. Once your term expires, you can select a new plan.

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel a recurring subscription payment, go to PayPal and find the payment page. There is a cancel option on that page. Your account will be unaffected, as you paid for the service and can continue to use it without any changes until it expires. No snipes are canceled. The expiration date is shown in the upper-left corner of your Dashboard.

    Note: Keep in mind that if you cancel, you will lose the lower payment price that you locked in when you subscribed.

  • Can I revoke authorization and cancel all bids?

    Yes. Although no one can hack your eBay account through us, since we don't have access to your eBay password, you may revoke our access from the Third-Party App Access page at My eBay.

    Or, you can follow these instructions:

    1. Log in to eBay.
    2. Click the Account tab.
    3. Under Account, Click on Sign in and security.
    4. On the Sign in and security page, look for Third-party app access.
    5. Select the BidSlammer application.
    6. Click Apply.

  • Do you have an affiliate or referral program?

    Yes. Please see the separate link for details on the BidSlammer Affiliate Program. If you like what you see, we ask that you first contact us to give a synopsis.



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